About our return policy

If for some reason you wish to return your shipment or part of your order, We will gladly accept a return of any new, unused items with its original tag and packaging for refund for up to 30 days of receipt of shipment. You'll have to give us notice by sending an email to service@justunderwear.com. Be sure to provide your order number. A reason why you want to return your order is appreciated. After you received confirmation, please ship your return to:

Just Underwear BV
Borchwerf 5
4704RG Roosendaal
The Netherlands

Indicating your order number clearly on your return shipment, or adding the original invoice to the shipment will help ensure that we can process your returns quickly.

Once your goods are back at our warehouse, your refund will be processed. Please allow 7-14 days for the refund to reach your account .The funds will be deposited back in the same manner as your original payment method for your order, less shipping fees. You will receive confirmation of the refund via e-mail.

Return postage costs will be refunded up to standard delivery option costs, if:

  • you received an incorrect item
  • you received a damaged or defective item


For any questions, you can contact us at service@justunderwear.com